NHS Fees

🏠 93 Kilnhurst Road Rotherham. S62 5NF  

📞 01709 525395   ✉ rawmarshdental.rotherham@nhs.net

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New NHS Dental Charges from April 2024
Band 1
Covers examination, diagnosis and advice. It can also include x-rays, scale and polish if required, plus a future treatment plan

Band 2
Comprises of all treatment included in Band 1 plus any additional treatment, including fillings, root anal treatment and extractions

Band 3
Covers all treatments included in both Bands 1 and 2, and any more complex procedures such as dentures, crowns and bridges

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Website  Created by Pamela Clarkson
Frst floor Toilet only
Ramp available
Road side parking available
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